6th Edition
Mood of the Sales Leader 2023
Get the thoughts & insights of NZ's most progressive Sales Leaders (with responsibility for over $11.73bn in revenue)
Since 2017 we have been capturing the mood & sentiment of NZ sales community each year, establishing the MOTSL report as the barometer of business sentiment and expectation for the year ahead. Sales Leaders and Salespeople are in a unique position to comment on the mood and sentiment of the marketplace. Their predictions have proven to be remarkably accurate since the inception of the survey.
With the current economic conditions and supply chain constraints, we were fascinated to see what our local sales leaders and salespeople were thinking and feeling, given their unique position at the coalface of the market, competition, and face to face with clients.
We want to acknowledge the support of our partners in helping create this report. BNZ (Banking), Salesforce (CRM), Consult (Recruitment) and Insights Exchange(Research). Our partners recognise the importance of the sales landscape and provide insights into key areas of the Economy, consumer behaviour, CRM & Technolog and Recruitment fields which are crucial to sales success.
Close to 400 responses were received from revenue leaders and salespeople, who collectively are responsible for over $11.73 billion in revenue, and the 2023 survey has not failed to deliver and we hope that this report will be of value to you and your teams as you plan for 2023.