Love a bit of competition?

We have just finished the Indicator Steps Challenge which was a team goal to hit 3,000,000 steps in February. We said at the start this is not a competition between ourselves or, as we called it, a “not a competition, competition.” But let’s be honest, it soon became obvious that most of us were treating it as a competition!

And it was excellent and a lot of fun (well I thought it was). People were consciously doing more exercise, getting outdoors and in the fresh air every day, tightening up their schedules to achieve their target, setting daily goals and pushing themselves to keep up or overtake others and all done with a healthy dose of internal banter. One of the best parts was that a surprises amongst the crew showed their true colours, proving their competitive spirit was very much alive.

Yes, we got out of our chairs more, which is always a good thing, but what really stood out was the energy, fun, drive and commitment it created. None of the team dared to miss a daily steps target for fear of letting the team down!

Sound familiar? That’s because the same characteristics make up a high-performing sales culture. When done right, an effective sales culture is a mix of motivation, teamwork, targets, banter, competition and energy. The right culture encourages people to perform, builds teamwork, and creates an environment where success is celebrated.

A Positive Sales Culture is literally “Competition Done Right”

Healthy competition is good for sales teams, but only when framed in the right way. Here’s why it works:

  • A little competition is healthy. It keeps people engaged and wanting more.
  • Challenges create a sense of achievement. People naturally feel more connected to their work when there’s a goal to chase.
  • Winning and teamwork can co-exist. A strong culture ensures competition doesn’t overshadow collaboration and hopefully teams push each other while celebrating each win.
  • Continuous improvement is the goal. It’s not just about being the best today but getting better every day and being consistent
  • Hustle is not a dirty word. Some say it has negative connotations, but every great sales culture has some hustle about it.

A negative sales culture. Risks when not done right

  • Competition when not managed well can create more problems than it solves
  • A ‘win at all costs’ approach is downright dangerous. If people feel like they have to cut corners to stay ahead, that’s a red flag.
  • Toxic behaviour is usually infectious and can quickly impact an entire team. Too much competition can divide teams instead of bringing them together.
  • The behaviour you ignore is the behaviour you accept. If unhealthy habits go unchecked, they become the norm.

If you’re serious about creating a powerful, positive sales culture, keep these in mind:

  • Sometimes team goals matter more than individual egos. Competition should drive the group forward, not just the few at the top.
  • Recognise effort, not just results. Inputs matter, celebrate all positive inputs
  • The office environment has a huge impact. Culture is tough to build remotely. If your workspace doesn’t look and feel great, then you are missing an opportunity
  • Give people the right tools. No one wants to fight with a clunky CRM, poor quality sales and marketing collateral, tired branding and image. Great sales teams deserve the very best tools.
  • When the laughter stops, you’ve got a problem. Energy, humour, and fun should be part of the daily rhythm. If people stop having fun, something’s broken.

You can feel a great sales culture the moment you walk into the room. There’s action. There’s energy. People are engaged. They are busy, motivated, and hustle.

So, crank up the volume and get busy.

In case you are wondering, we smashed our goal of 3 million steps with about 4 days to spare and to me that speaks volumes about the team that is a privilege to work alongside. Not content with just achieving our goal, they wanted to knock it out of the park. But who said it was a competition!

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