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Why These Three Sales Phrases Matter

Written by Mike Stokes | 11-Jun-2024 08:33:25

Sales is a game where success often comes down to a mixture of hard work, relationships, and sometimes, pure luck. For me, the following three phrases sum up these elements perfectly: the serendipity of sales, the law of reciprocity, and your network is your net worth.

The Serendipity of Sales

Serendipity is all about those happy accidents—unexpected events that turn out great. In sales, this means being open to opportunities you didn't plan for.

I can’t tell you how many times this has been the case for me. One of my longest client relationships started when I sat next to someone on a chairlift on a ski field. Sometimes I like to chat, and sometimes I don’t. On this occasion, a simple “How is your day going?” was the beginning of a long-term working relationship. Or the event I didn’t want to go to, where I connected with a great client who ended up introducing me to two more clients.

Many people will miss the opportunities that are seemingly all around them. Don’t be that person!

The lesson? Be open to the unexpected. Attend events, talk to new people, and always be ready for a surprise opportunity. It is easy to say no to things, but sales don’t happen when you are hiding away.

The Law of Reciprocity

The law of reciprocity is simple: look after others, and they’ll want to do the same for you. I like the quote, “What you put out (or give out) you will get back.”

For me, this often occurs as making introductions, which is something of an addiction. I get a kick out of this. I have forgotten how many roles have been filled or companies that have worked together through a simple introduction. Referrals lead to billions and billions of revenue every year in most economies.

It is not something we have ever measured, but we know considerable work comes out of companies meeting each other at Sales Syndicate or at one of our events. I have also been privileged to receive many similar introductions in return.

The lesson? To receive more referrals, start by giving more. Build channels with companies that deal with similar clients and where both sides can make referrals each way.

Your Network is Your Net Worth

This phrase highlights how the people you know can significantly impact your success. Building strong relationships will open doors and create opportunities.

Having a quality network is incredibly valuable. This doesn’t mean that you must have a large number of LinkedIn followers, but instead, you need a network that believes in you and your work. They will gladly open doors for you or think of you when they have opportunities or make introductions.

The lesson? The longer you are in business, the better your network becomes if you continue to show up and provide value. Every engagement is an opportunity to improve; however, the opposite is also true if you provide a poor and inauthentic experience.

Try to Include These Three Concepts into Your Everyday Work:

1. Embrace Serendipity: Be open to new experiences and people. You never know where your next big opportunity might come from.

2. Practice Reciprocity: Focus on giving value first. Your clients and partners will appreciate it and are likely to return the favor.

3. Build and Nurture Your Network: Spend time building genuine relationships. Your network is one of your most valuable assets in sales.

The serendipity of sales, the law of reciprocity, and your network is your net worth are more than just phrases—they’re powerful principles that can drive your success in sales. By focusing on these ideas, you can connect better with clients, seize unexpected opportunities, and achieve lasting growth—three things that are incredibly critical right now.